by Printed Word Reviews
Diana LaGuardia, American magazine design director. Recipient numerous awards, Art Directors Club New York, American Institute Graphic Arts, Society Newspaper Design. Member Society Publication Designers (board directors 1985-1986, vice president 1986-1987, pres.1987—; recipient numerous awards).
New York Times Magazine, New York City, 1977-1983, department art director, 1983-1986, art director, 1986-1988. Design director Traveler Magazine Conde Nast Publications Inc., since 1988.
Kevin Kamen, Founder & CEO of New York-based Kamen & Co Group Services, LLC, a multi-media valuation, accounting, and brokerage firm has been selected to assist the wealth reporters at FORBES as they determine the financial value of the Richest Americans within the multi-media sphere.
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Title: BookCAMP by Printed Word Reviews
ISSN: 2994-4406 * Frequency: Five times annually, Quarterly plus extra issue
Issue Dates: February; May; MFA annual; August; November;
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